Horsman Info»
Horsman Dolls are famous throughout the world visit them here
Steve Horsman (not related that I know) has opened a bespoke tailoring Tel:0113-263 8274
Sue Horsman has a one name site to help track down the history of the Horsman name visit it here |
Ancestry information for the Horsman family name»
Hi I'm Stephen Horsman and I've had this domain for quite a few years now to use as a email address range
My Cousin (Richard) has done extensive research into the family name and I thought it was about time I pulled together current knowledge
The above crest was found on an American WEB site and may or may not be relevant to Horsman's in the UK. Nevertheless, I found it colourful and have adopted it
My direct family are from in and around Newcastle upon Tyne and Middlesbrough in the UK. Although we have strong connections with Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire
Horsman in not a common name; and it has taken me 55 years to meet someone called Horsman who was not related to me. An old couple in Harrogate Hospital were asking for a taxi for Horsman, whilst I was working there
My Grandad (Albert Horsman) was born in Middlesbrough as one of eight children and started his married life there before moving to Newcastle. I am sure I must have some hidden relatives from this brood. The only one I have a lead to, is that we used to stay at a B&B in Blackpool with one of my dad's Aunties or Uncles
If your are a Horsman and would like to get in touch, then please do on the contacts page. I am quite happy to put up links to other Horsman businesses or links to other ancestral information |
Links »
For Quality Garage doors in Cumbria, try GDS Cumbria
For Reinforced Concrete design work, get a first class service from RebarCad Limited
For Mini bus hire in Middlebrough, contact Liz Iley (nee Horsman) Tel: 07957 986614 |